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Double Pleasure: Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance Page 3

  “It's okay, she can hear whatever you have to tell me.” I tossed the hand towel I'd been holding to the counter.

  The three of us walked outside and in the side door of the garage. After shutting it, Jerry turned to look at us, his brow still wrinkled.

  “What's up?” I said, hoping he hadn't heard me and Sarah going at it.

  “I don't know how to say this,” he said, then stopped a moment. “I got a call from my agent and he was giving me all sorts of crap.”

  “About what?” I was a little relieved.

  “Well, apparently someone ordered an, um, toy that's based on me and had it delivered to this house. Stephen thought it was for me and had quite a laugh about it.”

  My eyes opened wide, as if I'd just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar – or a fake cock based on my step-dad's penis in my pussy.

  “You know?” I felt my knees start to wobble a little. “What are you going to do?”

  “What do you mean what am I going to do? There's nothing we can do. You've bought it and you know and now...” He frowned, searching our faces for the answer he wanted.

  “And now what?” Sarah interrupted. Standing to my left, her arm wrapped under mine tightly.

  “And now nothing,” he said, walking outside.

  I turned to Sarah, wanting to talk about the whole situation, but she appeared upset that Jerry had left so suddenly. She said she was going back to her house and that I could call her later if I wanted. After she left, I stood in the garage by myself, still not entirely sure what had just happened. The elephant in the room had been discussed and everyone suddenly dispersed, unable to deal with the reality of the situation.

  Eventually, I went back inside the house. Jerry and Mom were nowhere to be seen, so I headed to the basement and locked myself in my room. I sat down at my desk and started writing – not an article or review for a client. Instead, I wrote down my thoughts. By the time I'd hit three pages, I knew I was onto something. Without thinking it through all the way, I decided to create a Tumblr blog and anonymously post my thoughts on the situation. Is it wrong to fuck myself with a fake version of my step-dad's cock? I wanted to know what other people thought, so I asked them.


  Over the next few weeks, traffic to my Tumblr blog really took off! I was amazed at all the people who were visiting – not to mention everyone who was leaving comments. Some people thought I was crazy while others were urging me on to take it further. When I saw a comment like that the first time, I sat back in my chair. Up until that point, I hadn't even really seriously considered taking it further. I'd thought about it (of course), but I never took it further than just an innocent daydream.

  I was actually able to make a little money with my blog, which helped my “move out” fund become fat. After just a few months, I'd surpassed the goal of monthly income that I'd wanted before I could move out. Sarah was still living on campus, but the thought of having my own pad sounded great. And then I realized if I moved out I'd have less of a chance to see Jerry and that would lessen my chances of him deciding he wanted to put that marvelously large cock of his inside my tight pussy.

  Writing about my dilemma on my blog increased traffic even more. A writer on Huffington Post discovered me and opened the floodgates when it came to traffic. Somehow, tens of thousands of people per day were visiting my little blog to read about my thoughts on playing with myself using a realistic-looking cock based on my step-dad's huge member. This is nuts! I didn't know what to do. I was leaning toward taking the plunge and moving out on my own finally when Jerry surprised me one evening.

  “Heidi, you got a moment?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen where I was pouring myself a glass of cranberry juice.

  “Sure, what's up?” We hadn't discussed the talk in the garage since it had happened a few weeks earlier.

  “Your Mom's gone to one of her scrapbooking classes, and I wanted to give you something.”

  I noticed he was holding a rather large present. He'd even attached a cute pink bow on the top of it.

  “Aww, you didn't have to do this,” I said, glad that he had gotten me something. “Is this a moving out present?” I'd been talking about moving out every morning at breakfast.

  “No. Actually, I was hoping you would stick around. I like having you in the house.”

  My heart started beating faster. He held out the present and I took it.

  “Do you want me to open it here?”

  “You can open it on your own. I have to leave the house for a while.” He waved nervously and walked outside, leaving me holding the large, carefully wrapped present.

  Holding it under my arm, I headed downstairs with my juice in my other hand. After locking my door and setting my glass down on the nightstand, I sat on the edge of the bed with the present in my lap. What is it? I wondered. Unable to resist any longer, I ripped the wrapping paper away and threw it to the floor.

  My mouth opened involuntarily as I saw a Deluxe Mr. Fun Fantastic. I'd seen it online, but I couldn't justify spending over $500 on a sex toy. The large, realistic cock looked like the one I already had, but this one had a vibrator built in. Even more interesting was the fact that it came with synthetic cum that would shoot out if pressure points built into the massive dildo were stimulated enough.

  In a daze, I filled the small bladder inside it with some of the synthetic cum. I had three bottles of pineapple flavored cum that was supposed to taste like the real thing. Not only that, but it also rotated and vibrated at varying speeds. I glanced at the 69 page manual briefly, seeing that it even had a WiFi connection for some reason. I was never the type of person to read directions, so I tossed them aside and turned it on. I was surprised when it hummed to life. I didn't think it would already have batteries installed.

  Jerry had thought of everything. He was so amazing, I thought as I turned it off then slipped out of my clothes. Knowing the house was empty, I wanted to try it out on myself without delay. I couldn't wait to feel it filling me completely. Turning it back on and playing with the controls, I found a speed and variation that I liked. The toy was amazing and so lifelike. What really turned me on was that Jerry had bought it for me. Is this him making the first move? I didn't care as the cock that was designed to look like his started to twist and turn inside me.

  I pushed it in my pussy even further, loving the way it was making me feel. I soon felt an orgasm sneaking up on me. I wanted to prolong the pleasure, but there was no holding back. A random vibration triggered something and I cried out in pleasure. Arms shaking, I pulled it out, forgetting about the synthetic cum. I must have grabbed it just the right way because it started squirting warm cum on my breasts and belly. I couldn't believe how real it felt.

  Unable to resist, I scooped some of it up with my finger. While a little salty, it did taste a little like pineapple – sweet and juicy. Before I realized it, I'd scraped all of it up with my fingers and put it in my mouth, loving the way it felt as it moved over my tongue – so viscous and nasty but also so sweet and delicious. I wondered if my step-dad's cum also tasted so sweet.

  As I tried to catch my breath, I heard a knock at my bedroom door. Then I heard Jerry's voice asking if I was okay. I sat up in bed. I didn't know what I was going to do exactly, but I had an idea.

  “Hold on,” I said. “I'll be upstairs in a minute.”

  I cleaned myself up and jumped in the shower to rinse myself off and get my hair wet. Throwing on a robe and nothing else, I headed up to the kitchen. With each step I took, I felt my heart miss a beat. I didn't know what he was going to say to me or what I was going to say to him. When I reached the top of the stairs and opened the door to the kitchen, I didn't see Jerry.

  A little relieved and a little disappointed, I started a fresh pot of coffee. I knew we were headed toward something that could no longer be stopped. It was just a matter of time before I had him inside me for real. And that would make me more happy than I could imagine.

  A relationship wi
th a real man was in my future if I had anything to do with it. We would live happily ever after in my dreams and in reality.

  Bonus Story 1

  Touch Where?

  I sat on the porch swing and stared out into the front yard. After only two days home for summer break, I was bored as hell. My Junior year had gone fairly well, and I was looking forward to my Senior year, but I had to somehow get through the next couple of months with the parents. After so much freedom at college, I wasn't adjusting well to having them all up in my business.

  “What's up?” Josh, my stepbrother, asked as he walked up on the porch.

  He was shirtless, as usual, and his muscles glistened in the sun. His skin continued to shine once he was on the porch and in the shade. He had an amazing body. I looked up at him and smiled.

  “Not much. The usual. Where you been?”

  “Out playing football.”

  “You win?”

  “Of course.”

  “Take me with you next time, please?” I begged.

  “And have all my buddies hitting on you? Yeah, right.”

  He laughed then opened the screen door and went inside. As it swung shut, I looked back out at the yard. After three years of college, I finally realized that Josh was one of the good guys. He wasn't seeing anyone, which made me curious. With such a hot body and a kind, giving attitude, he should have women crawling over him. Why was he saving himself?

  * * * * *

  The next morning, I got up early and put on the sexiest football clothes I could find. I even used some makeup as warpaint on my face. My jersey, which had been cut to barely cover my breasts, had the number sixty nine prominently displayed. I had to get out of the house without my parents seeing how I was dressed, but it would be worth it when I saw Josh's face.

  “What the hell, Lissa.”

  “I told you I want to play football with you.”

  “Dressed like that?” he gasped as we stood in the front yard.

  “You don't like?”

  I twirled around to give him a better view. He shook his head then started walking away, knowing he couldn't do anything to stop me. As I walked behind him, not trying to catch up, I couldn't help looking at his ass. It was so tight. I felt a little dirty because he was my stepbrother, but he was really the best guy I'd ever met in my life.

  “No flirting with the guys,” he said as we walked.

  “What, are you jealous?” I teased.

  “Don't be gross. You're my sister.”

  “Stepsister,” I reminded him.


  “You don't think I'm cute?”

  Before he answered, we made it to the field. Some of the guys started to whistle and hoot until they saw that Josh was pissed off. Around a dozen guys, half with shirts off already, were standing in a group as we walked over. One of them tossed me a football, which I caught without a problem. I actually knew quite a bit about the game and how to play.

  “What's she doing here?” Jerry asked.

  “I'm playing.”

  “Until you get tackled, right?”

  “We're playing touch football today,” Josh said, then added. “She's on shirts.”

  The guys all groaned at the news I wouldn't be taking my top off, which made me smile and bounce a little so my tits jiggled under my tight shirt. Josh glared at me, but I was going to have some fun. After the first play, I realized they weren't playing around, and I got serious about the game. My plan hadn't included getting sweaty, but all I cared about was making sure my team won.

  Josh was on the skins team, so I really wanted to beat him. I was already smarter than him, so it would feel good to be better than him at something he loved like football. By the second half of the game, I knew it was going to take everything I had to actually win. My other teammates were okay, but they couldn't keep their eyes on the ball and off me, which gave me an idea.

  At the end of the fourth quarter, we had the ball and needed one more touchdown to lock in our win. Josh and the others knew this, of course, so they were going to be giving it all they had to block our play. Right when the ball was tossed to our quarterback, I lifted up my shirt, showing my pert little boobs. The other team, including my stepbrother, gawked while Tom ran the ball in for a touchdown.

  “Fuck yeah,” I yelled, dropping my shirt and dancing around.

  “No fair,” Josh said.

  “You're really going to argue that you were unable to make a play because you were staring at your stepsister's boobs?”

  I laughed along with the rest of the guys. Josh frowned slightly and his face turned red, but he didn't say anything in front of the others. We all drank Gatorade and traded stories about the best and worst plays of the game. I won the daily MVP award, which was a quarter ounce of weed. As I took the small baggy, I realized why my stepbrother had been playing so hard. He was the biggest pothead.

  “I'm leaving,” Josh said, waving as he walked away.

  “Wait up, I'm coming too,” I said as I jogged over to him.

  When we were out of earshot, he turned to me and said, “I can't believe you did that.”

  “What, it won us the game and I got the MVP weed. Besides, it's not like you've not seen them before.”

  “I told you that was an accident.”

  “Whatever. Chill out. I'll smoke you out later tonight if you want. It's bridge night.”

  “I know what night it is. I'm here all year long, remember?”

  Why is he so pissed at me? I wondered as we walked the rest of the way home in silence. When we got back to the house, our parents were gone. It was their night to play cards with the neighbors and gossip. I was half convinced they smoked weed when they went too, but I never had any proof. Inside the house, I followed Josh into the kitchen where he got some more water.

  “I get the shower first,” he said after taking a long drink.

  “Fuck that. I'm the MVP.”

  “Go smoke your weed and leave me alone, okay?”

  He rushed upstairs. I heard the bathroom door slam as I finished the water he'd left. My body was sweaty and icky, and I wanted to change my clothes so I could relax and smoke some weed. Before I changed my mind, I headed upstairs. Outside the door, I heard the shower running. Slowly, I reached down and turned the brass handle.

  A thousand and one thoughts ran through my hand as I inched the door open just enough so I could slip in. I saw his silhouette through the shower curtain as steam billowed up, filling the room. I took off my shorts then pulled my top off. I caught my image in the mirror and swallowed. What I was about to do was wrong, but it felt so right.

  One of the thoughts involved flushing the toilet then running from the room in laughter, but for that I didn't need to be naked. Still unsure of what I was about to do, I stepped forward on the thick, plush rug then stopped and scrunched up my toes. Without thinking about it too much, my hand reached out and threw the shower curtain open.

  Josh turned quickly, almost losing his balance. When I saw him about to fall, I rushed forward and grabbed his waist. Well, I meant to grab his waist. Instead, my small, delicate hand brushed against his cock – which was hard. Had I interrupted him? I wondered as I pulled my arm back then looked up at his eyes.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked.

  “I thought you were falling.”

  “So you grab my cock?”

  “Well, if it wasn't so big right now. I was trying to grab your waist.”

  We both looked down at his hard cock. His dick. His pecker. His penis. No matter what I called it, I couldn't help but be impressed by its length and girth. The best part was the fact that it curved upward slightly.

  “I meant why the fuck are you in here when I'm taking a shower.”

  “I was icky. I just wanted to clean up. Don't get any pervy ideas.”

  I stepped into the shower behind him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Conserving water. Don't freak out. Pass me the soap.”

/>   As I tried to pretend what I was doing was perfectly natural, I started to soap up my body. His cock being hard was something I hadn't expected, but I wanted to keep going. To be honest, I wasn't sure what the hell I was doing. Then Josh turned to face me, his muscles rippling as he soaped up as well. I couldn't take my eyes off his body.

  “Get my back?” I asked, turning around.

  I felt his thick, heavy hand on my back, and I felt as if I was going to fall to my knees. They felt weak as I tried to control my breathing.

  “Now my front.”

  When I turned to face him again, he stared directly into my eyes. At the same time, his hands reached out and began fondling my breasts, getting them really soapy. The feeling of his fingers touching my body made me feel wonderful. Then I touched his body. My fingers ran down his hard chest and chiseled abs and grabbed onto his hard step-cock.

  “Unh,” he grunted then slid his hand down the front of my body.

  I moaned as I felt his palm on my pussy. Water fell on us as we continued to touch each other. With each drop that fell, more steam rose up, clouding us and our actions. Neither of us wanted to stop. He didn't look away, continuing to stare at me as he pleased me. Had he had this fantasy before? I wondered briefly as I felt him throb in my hand.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw our parents car pull up in the driveway. I knew I didn't want what was happening to stop, but I also didn't want to get caught. Josh continued staring into my eyes, his face contorted a little. I gripped him tighter and began moving my hand up and down faster. He kept up the pace as he slipped a finger inside me.

  “Hurry. They're back,” I gasped.

  He glanced out the window and saw their car. At that exact moment, I felt him throb. Something warm and wet shot out of the tip of his dick and hit my stomach.

  “Go, go!” I yelled.

  He jumped out of the shower, grabbed his clothes, then rushed out of the bathroom and to his bedroom down the hall. When he was gone, I walked forward a little so that I was directly under the water. I looked down and saw his seed run down my body then the drain. With my head held back slightly, I started to gently rub my clitoris.