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Double Pleasure: Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance


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  Double Pleasure

  Bonus Story 1

  Bonus Story 2

  Bonus Story 3

  Heidi Hunter


  by Heidi Hunter

  Copyright © 2015 Heidi Hunter

  All rights reserved.

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  Double Pleasure


  I liked to look at large cocks when I masturbated. Seeing anything over ten inches made me wet between the legs. As a sex editor for a very popular website that shall remain anonymous, I had to “Post” reviews of porn movies. I had a male pseudonym as it's generally thought that women don't enjoy visual porn, which is such a fallacy – at least for me.

  I lived with my mother and step-dad to save money. Instead of going to college after graduating, I had gotten a job as a writer online. A lot of what I wrote was free work, but it was all practice. When I found the gig writing porn movie reviews, the money really started rolling in. I still wrote other types of articles – and even some sexy short stories – but my rapidly increasing bank account was due to the porn reviews.

  Every once in a while, I would run across a movie that made me want to rub myself to orgasm. As a reviewer, I got links to HD .avi files from the movie companies directly. I usually watched at the desk in my bedroom – with the door locked, of course! I didn't want anyone walking in on me with sex scenes flashing on my computer monitor.

  A series of twelve videos featuring “Mr. Fun Fantastic” became my favorite for some reason. The plot was crazy – his cock talked thanks to CGI magic – but it was really the fact that he was at least twelve inches when hard that turned me on. After reviewing the first one, I had to watch all the others. For two weeks straight, that wonderful foot long was all I watched when masturbating.

  The first time I'd seen Mr. Fun Fantastic, I couldn't help reaching a hand down the front of my pajama bottoms. I never wore panties when writing the porn reviews because I usually got turned on at least a little bit. As soon as he whipped out his flaccid cock that was bigger than most I'd seen hard, I was hooked and began to get wet between the legs.

  That first scene was him with two blonde bimbos servicing him. While one stroked him up and down the other put as much of him in her mouth as she could – which wasn't a lot. As they licked, stroked and sucked that monster, my fingers started sliding in and out of my moist, tight hole. My pussy felt wonderful as I imagined what it would be like to touch that huge cock myself.

  And then Mr. Fun Fantastic bent one of the women over the side of the bed and impaled her with his cock, I reached up and started playing with my nipples. I didn't want to come too soon. I liked to try to time my orgasm with that of the porn star I was watching. I would rewind a crucial final scene as many times as needed to know just when to push myself over the edge.

  As I watched that monster cock plunge in and out of one of the tight pussy of one of the blondes, I twisted my nipples and pinched them, feeling electricity run from them to between my legs. Looking at the minute counter on the video player, I knew the scene was probably coming to an end soon, so I switched back to rubbing my pussy. I'd seen so many videos, I knew how long most scenes would last.

  My tiny clitty had come out finally and as my palm rubbed it firmly, I pressed my middle finger into my pussy. I couldn't imagine taking a large, twelve inch cock in my tight hole. Well, I could imagine it and I did, even though I wasn't sure how it would ever fit. My clit was hard and I felt myself floating to the edge of an orgasm, so I slowed down.

  When Mr. Fun Fantastic pulled out of the second woman and they began stroking and sucking him again, I knew the scene would end soon. I couldn't wait to see how much cum shot out of that cannon between his legs. The camera never showed his face, but that didn't really matter because all that really mattered was his throbbing cock.

  The actor's toes curled and I noticed him tap one of the women on the shoulder, an industry sign that the money shot was coming. Both of the blondes starting concentrating and talking dirty, telling him they wanted him to cum in their mouths. Just as the first large load of cum came spurting out of the tip of his dick, my own orgasm started washing over me.

  My body shook. As I continued rubbing, the huge cock on the screen spit load after load of thick, creamy cum. I couldn't believe how much was shooting out of him – and how hungrily the two blonde women were lapping it up. When he finally stopped coming, the two women started licking what they'd missed. I reached up and stopped the video.

  I washed up in my private bathroom then headed upstairs to the kitchen. Jerry, my step-father, was chomping on celery and drinking a large glass of orange juice. I walked past him and got into the refrigerator for a bottle of water. I wanted to hydrate and try to get settled down a little before going back downstairs to go to bed.

  “Hey, Heidi,” he said to me.

  He was a big executive for some company or another. I tried not to pay him too much attention, but I was polite and nice when he interacted with me. To be honest, I didn't see how he put up with my mother half the time. She was so mean to him. I turned to look at him. He took another large bite of celery.

  “Hey, Jerry. How's it going?”

  “Pretty good. Another royalty check came in today.”

  “What are you getting those for again?” I'd asked before, but he never really gave me concrete information.

  “Oh, some acting work I did back after I got out of college. What are you doing up so late?”

  “Just getting some writing work done.” I noticed he'd changed the subject, but I wanted to get back downstairs and see if I could find the second movie in the Mr. Fun Fantastic series. I had to see that massive cock in at least one other scene before going to sleep. Suddenly, I had an idea.

  “I gotta run. Have a good night.” I waved then went back downstairs.

  After I locked my bedroom door, I headed to the computer and started searching for information on Mr. Fun Fantastic. Like many porn stars, I couldn't find his real name easily. What I did find, however, made me stop breathing for a moment. He had a sex toy based on his massive member! Seeing the fake twelve inch cock on the computer screen, I knew I had to have one.

  After ordering – with rush shipping – I found the second in the series of videos he'd made. I got my favorite purple vibrator out of a box in my closet then started the movie. Wearing headphones so I could turn the sound up, I turned the vibrator on the lowest setting and began running it over my nipples. As soon as Mr. Fun Fantastic came on screen, his giant cock swinging back and forth, I moved the purple buzzing toy to my pussy lips.

  I sighed as I was stimulated by the pictures on the computer screen as well as the vibrating goodness of my favorite toy. Masturbating twice in one night wasn't new for me. I didn't do it frequently, but at twenty-one years of age, I was horny all the time. Besides, the more movies I watched the more reviews I could write and the more money I could make.

  In this scene, Mr. Fun Fantastic was with a black woman with huge, natural breasts. He was straddling her body and titty-fucking her. He was so big, the actress could easily take the tip of him into her mouth every time he thrust his cock in between her tits. I thought they might move to sex, but this scene was all about the tit-fuck, which was pretty cool.

  I wasn'
t ready for the moment he grunted and started spraying cum out of his dick and all over the black woman's face. I reached up and rewound the video just a little bit. Knowing what to expect this time, I was able to bring myself to orgasm the exact moment he grunted. I once again imagined all that hot, thick cum blasting over my breasts.

  After my breathing returned to normal, I turned the video off and went to the bathroom to clean up once again. I knew I should write the review right away, but I wanted to sleep. I was exhausted and if I waited on writing the review of the movie, I'd have a plausible excuse to watch the video again. For some reason, I really wanted to know the face of the man who had such a perfect cock. I went to sleep and dreamed of being penetrated by Mr. Fun Fantastic.


  When I woke up the next morning, I walked upstairs to get some coffee and breakfast before getting to work writing articles and reviews. Jerry and Mom were in the kitchen sitting at the table when I walked in. I nodded in their general direction, but they knew better than to try to talk to me before I'd had at least one cup of coffee. I was not a morning person.

  “What do you have on your agenda today?” Jerry asked me.

  I reached over and tore off a piece of his pancake. “The usual. Writing. You?”

  “Just gotta to cash this royalty check. Then I might take your mother out to get a new piece of jewelry.”

  I nodded, not really listening. Jerry was okay, but I tried not to think about him too much because he turned me on a lot. He was about fifteen years older than me, but he was hot like a young Harrison Ford. And he had this Han Solo vibe going on most of the time.

  Jerry got up, rinsed off his plate then waved goodbye as he walked outside. I talked with Mom a little. As usual, she pressed me for what type of writing I was doing in the basement, but I reminded her that I was paying four hundred dollars a month for a small room and bathroom in the basement. Jerry made really good money off his royalty checks, but I liked to give Mom her own money.

  I ate a bowl of cereal as I talked to her, letting her know I had a package for work coming and that she wasn't to open it no matter what. I would be around to get the mail, but I wanted to be sure she didn't see that I'd ordered a huge, fake cock to fuck myself with in the basement. The money I'd spent on it was justified because feeling it inside my pussy would let me write a better review. At least that's what I told myself.

  After breakfast, I went back downstairs to take a shower while I waited for the mail. The warm water of the shower was nice. I used my special strawberry scented shampoo, loving how it made my hair smell. I wrapped myself in a towel after drying off and headed to my desk to read and answer emails from people who read my movie reviews and others.

  No one knew my real name, but my pseudonym was quite popular and I had to do quite a bit of work to keep connected. Networking wasn't easy, but it made it possible for me to make a lot of money working from home. I'd soon have enough to buy my own house – something a lot of people in their twenties or thirties couldn't say.

  Around one o'clock, I headed upstairs for lunch, a sandwich I ate with Mom in the living room as she watched her ridiculous talk shows. How many times could you stand to hear “You are NOT the father!” without going crazy? I was just finishing up my turkey and Muenster cheese on wheat when I saw the UPS truck pull up to the front of the house.

  I jumped up and headed to the door. I could feel my mom staring at me as I signed for the box, but there was no way I was going to tell her what I had bought the night before. The box was large, and when I thought about what was inside, I laughed a little bit. Turning around to face Mom, I saw she was still staring at me.

  “I have to get back to work,” I said, which wasn't a lie. “Can you leave me alone for a few hours?”

  She gave me a disapproving look, but I waved and walked to the kitchen to head back downstairs. I couldn't wait to rip the box open. I felt like it was Christmas morning and I'd gotten the present I was dreaming about all year. As soon as I'd locked my bedroom door, I went to the bed to see my prize with my very own eyes.

  I opened the box and saw a large package – no pun! I struggled with the plastic packaging, but I soon had the large and very realistic twelve inch cock in my hands. Waiting for later that night to test it out crossed my mind, but feeling it, I knew I wouldn't be able to wait long. I had to have it inside me. I wasn't sure if I would be able to take any of it let alone all of it.

  After stripping, I got into bed. I didn't even start a porn video on the computer. I did close my eyes and ran through the two scenes I'd seen with Mr. Fun Fantastic. I concentrated on the second one – the titty-fuck scene. I rubbed the large rubber version of his cock between my own two tits. They weren't as large or floppy as the black woman's breasts, but the feeling was still incredible.

  Grasping it with one hand, I ran it over my nipples then down my stomach. As I felt it slide over my body, I sighed. My legs opened a little wider as I licked my other hand and started rubbing my pussy lips. I wanted to make sure I was wet before I tried to stick the mammoth cock inside me. I wasn't a virgin, but my pussy was still very tight.

  The image of the real one squirting cum everywhere started replaying itself in my mind over and over again as I pressed the head of the fake cock to the entrance of my pussy. My lips spread a little as just the tip popped in. I sighed and slowly worked another inch inside me. Pulling it back out, I moaned, knowing I needed more of it in me.

  I worked more of it in as I pushed it inside my pussy, my lips stretching to accommodate its girth. I knew it would be long, but I hadn't expected it to be so thick and filling. The feeling in my pussy was pure pleasure as I slid that fake monster cock in and out. As I got wetter, I increased me speed. My eyes were still closed and I imagined the real thing was fucking me.

  The sheets were soaked by this point, but I wanted more. I pulled it out and used the suction cup to attach it to my headboard. Getting on my knees in front of it, I reached down and positioned it perfectly so I could slide back on it. The feeling of it penetrating me from behind was even better as I didn't have to use my hands.

  My breasts hung down and rubbed the silk sheets as I rocked forward and backward, impaling myself on the massive dildo. I couldn't believe how realistic it felt. I knew it was fake, but I was actually able to imagine what it would be like to have the real thing inside me. I tried to take as much of it as I could as it slid in and out of my wet pussy.

  I thought I would last longer, but as soon as I reached down and started rubbing my clitoris, an orgasm exploded throughout my body. My pussy muscles tightened and relaxed, feeling that delicious cock still inside me, filling me up. I crawled forward a little and it plopped out as I collapsed on the bed, exhausted but still feeling waves of pleasure wash over me.

  I got to work right away after cleaning up. I started writing one of my best porn reviews ever. Unlike many others that I'd written, I did a lot of research for this one, trying to find out as much as I could about Mr. Fun Fantastic. I really didn't find out much more about him. Even his age was a mystery. I was still able to come up with a really great review about his first and second movies.

  Before I knew it, dinnertime had rolled around. I shut my computer down and headed upstairs to see what was for dinner. As usual, Jerry was sitting at the kitchen table drinking while Mom made us all dinner. I smelled the fried chicken strips as I hit the stairs. I smiled, feeling famished. Living at home had some benefits.

  Jerry raised his glass of whiskey then took a long drink as I went to get plates and silverware to set the table. Whenever he cashed one of his royalty checks, he would brag for at least a week about all the money he got for work he'd done years earlier. No matter how much I pressed him, he never told me how he made all his cash.

  Sitting down across from him at the kitchen table, I wondered if I'd be able to get him drunk enough to let me know how he'd made all his money. If nothing else, I could change his name in the story and write about it for some website or another.
As an online copywriter, I was always looking for new clients and new work.

  Dinner was great, of course. Mom was a really good cook. Sometimes I thought that was the main reason Jerry was involved with her – that and she put up with all his drinking. They really didn't seem to have a lot in common. After the dishes were put in the sink so I could wash them later, Mom went to the living room to watch her evening shows.

  Jerry poured himself another drink. He'd had at least three and was a little lit as I sat back down across from him. My hands were on the table as I looked him in the eyes. I didn't know if he was drunk enough yet, but I had to find out how he made all his money. If he was doing something illegal, I didn't want him around my mother.

  “So, you had a big check today?”

  “Big check!” He laughed.

  I wasn't sure what was so funny, but he was drunk. “Yeah, you're always talking about your big checks.”

  “Some women would say they're huge,” he mumbled, stumbling over the words drunkenly as he continued laughing.

  “What's the money for again?” I asked, deciding to dive right in.

  “I can't tell you that, sweetheart.” He took another drink.

  “Aww, why not? I won't tell anyone. It can be our secret.” I knew how naughty the words sounded coming out of my mouth.

  “Oh, it's nothing you would know about,” he said.

  I stood up, knowing I probably wouldn't get any further with him. I wanted to get some more work done before playing with my new toy again. I wanted to try to ride it cowgirl position to see how much I could take. I was sure the orgasm would be another big one. As I opened the door to the basement stairs, Jerry said three words that would change everything between us.